Eligibility Standards



The AAHSA Membership Process

The AAHSA accreditation program began in 2003, and since then AAHSA has experienced an increasing demand for membership and accreditation.  In order to maintain the quality and meaning of the AAHSA “brand” of accreditation, the organization’s membership criteria has been updated.  The membership, criteria is much different than in the past.  Schools that joined the organization under the old criteria were grandfathered.  However, all member schools (even those that were grandfathered) are required to meet the current criteria and seek accreditation, both of which show signs of a quality school.  If you have any questions about the current membership criteria, please contact Member Services at: allamericanhighachoolassociation@yahoo.com or by calling 1-888-353-1122, below to determine if your school is eligible to become a candidate for membership in AAHSA. Please note that the final step to full membership is becoming accredited by AAHSA.

Candidacy Criteria

  • Has education as its primary mission
  • Has at least two consecutive years of operating experience
  • Offers an academic program and curriculum that serves at least three successive grade levels across the 6-12 continuum
  • Employs an equivalent of one full-time professional faculty member per grade level offered
  • Has bylaws
  • Operates under non-discriminatory admissions and employment policies
  • Matriculates students in a physical plant
  • Is financially stable
  • Has articles of incorporation (may be held by a church or other governing authority)
  • Can offer evidence that (1) the governing authority hires only one employee - the person who manages and leads the school, (2) the head of school has authority over the day-to-day operation of the school, and (3) the head of school and the chair of the governing authority are not the same person


 If your school meets the candidacy criteria listed above, the next step is to complete the Candidate for AAHSA Member Application. Contact Member Services at: allamericanhighachoolassociation@yahoo.com for your application.


After your school's application is received and processed, instructions will be sent for submitting the following supporting documents:

  • List of board members including their relationship to the school (e.g., Parent, Community Leader, Alumni, etc)
  • Faculty roster including title/position
  • Articles of Incorporation (may be held by a church or other governing authority)
  • Bylaws (the school MUST be operating under the provisions of the bylaws that are submitted)
  • Non-discriminatory admissions policy
  • Non-discriminatory employment policy
  • Most recent audit or review, or a letter of financial stability from the bank of record or certified public accountant
  • Current accreditation certificate(s), if applicable [from SACS, AdvanedEd or any accrediting organization officially recognized by the NAIS Commission on Accreditation]

Written evidence that (1) the governing authority hires only one employee - the person who manages and leads the school, (2) the head of school has authority over the day-to-day operation of the school, and (3) the head of school and the chair of the governing authority are not the same person.  Evidence of this may be shown through bylaws or the board policy manual.

STEP 4: 

After the supporting documents have been submitted and your school has been accepted as a candidate, you will receive an invoice for annual dues based on your school's operating budget.  Paying dues is the next step to becoming a candidate for membership.  All schools are considered candidates until accreditation is received from AAHSA.

 STEP 5: 

The final step to becoming a full member of AAHSA is becoming accredited.  Once accreditation is received, your school will be considered a Fully Accredited member of AAHSA.


AAHSA Membership Dues: The dues year runs July 1-June 30. Dues are on a sliding scale based on a school's total expense budget. Membership renewal invoices are sent to schools in May of each year, with payment due by August 1. Accredited schools that do not renew their annual dues will have their accreditation rescinded in addition to being dropped from the membership roster.


Pro-Rating and Deferral: Since membership applications are only accepted between March 1 and December 1 of each year, dues are not pro-rated.  Schools joining the association on or after March 1 will receive membership deferral for the following school year.

A one-year moratorium will be instituted for schools not achieving accreditation within three years of becoming a candidate.  After the moratorium period has passed, the school may re-apply for candidacy.  The school must meet the criteria in place at the time of re-application.  After being re-accepted, the school must successfully achieve accreditation within one year.


If you have any questions or need assistance completing the application, contact Accreditation Services at:  allamericanhighachoolassociation@yahoo.com or by calling 1-888-353-1122